Teaching qualifications
PhD Supervisory Qualification Programme
University of Stavanger, spring 2021
NyTi peer-mentoring programme
University of Stavanger, 2020 - 2021
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Application approved December 2019 by the Australian National University, Educational Fellowship Scheme
“Lärarrollen vid universitet och högskola” (Introduction to university teaching)
Lund University, April 2016
Praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning (PPU) (Postgraduate Certificate of Education)
University of Oslo, August 2009 - June 2010
PhD supervision
I currently supervise (as main supervisor) one PhD candidate at the University of Stavanger.
Teaching at the University of Stavanger
At the University of Stavanger I teach two courses on the BA Political Science:
BST130 - Internasjonal politikk (first-year undergraduates, introduction to IR, Norwegian)
BSTBAC - Bacheloroppgave (third-year undergraduates, bachelor thesis course)
I also supervise bachelor’s and master’s theses.
Teaching at the ANU
Semester 2 2019
INTR8045 - Global Governance (master’s level, elective)
Semester 1 2019
INTR8070 - International Organisation (master’s level, elective)
Supervising one master’s thesis.
Semester 2 2018
INTR1022 - Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution (first-year undergraduates)
INTR8038/8039 - Master's thesis International Relations (convenor)
INTR8065/8069 - Writing International Relations (introductory master's level course)
Semester 1 2018
INTR8038/8039 - Master's thesis International Relations (convenor)
Supervising one master's thesis.
Semester 2 2017
INTR8065/8069 - Writing International Relations (introductory master's level course)
INTR8038/8039 - Master's thesis International Relations (convenor)
Supervising one master's thesis.
Teaching at Lund University
Spring term 2017
STVC73 - State Making and the Origins of the International System (third-year undergraduates)
Supervising two master's theses and seven bachelor's theses.
Autumn term 2016
STVA12 - Internationell politik (first year undergraduates, introduction to IR, in Swedish)
STVC73 - State Making and the Origins of the International System (third-year undergraduates)
Teaching at the University of Oxford
Hilary term 2015
212 - International Relations in the Era of Two World Wars (undergraduate course), at Worcester college
213 - International Relations in the Era of the Cold War (undergraduate course), at Pembroke and Magdalen colleges
Michaelmas term 2014
212 - International Relations in the Era of Two World Wars (undergraduate course), at Hertford college
213 - International Relations in the Era of the Cold War (undergraduate course), at Pembroke college
Trinity term 2013
The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (undergraduate course I designed for visiting students), at Pembroke college
Hilary term 2013
The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (undergraduate course I designed for visiting students), at Mansfield college
Teaching at secondary schools in Norway
Aug-Sept 2013
Høyland Ungdomsskole, Sandnes (substitute teacher)
Aug-Sept 2012
Bryne Ungdomsskule, Bryne (substitute teacher)
August 2010 - September 2011
Lurahammaren Ungdomsskole, Sandnes (full-time)
October 2009 - May 2010
Nes Videregående skole, Akershus (practice as part of the teacher training programme at the University of Oslo)
October 2008 - June 2009
Gjesdal Ungdomsskole, Ålgård (substitute teacher, full-time)